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Explore global research, case studies and podcasts on digital transformation and innovation in the public sector.

  • Making the case for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Transforming Public Services

    Making the case for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Transforming Public Services

    Discover the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in public services. This document, developed by Microsoft, delves into the significant impact AI can have on enhancing public sector capabilities, enabling them to be more efficient, accessible, and inclusive.

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  • Manage your public sector data estate: 3 steps to take to harness the full potential of AI

    Manage your public sector data estate: 3 steps to take to harness the full potential of AI

    As the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to expand, public sector organizations are increasingly looking to harness AI to improve operations, enhance services, and safeguard public resources. Taking steps now to prepare your data for AI use will be a good investment of time that will enable you to fully harness the power of AI to enhance decision-making processes and deliver more efficient and effective services to the public.

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  • Prepare for your AI Hackathon: Tips and tricks for public sector innovators

    Prepare for your AI Hackathon: Tips and tricks for public sector innovators

    Hackathons are taking place all over the world with public sector organizations helping public servants learn how to use AI and gain the knowledge and skills they need to help their public sector organization achieve their goals. If you are preparing for an upcoming hackathon, watch this video and gear up for an exciting and productive hackathon experience.

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  • Skilling at Scale: How strategic partnerships are transforming the way public sector organizations deliver skilling

    Skilling at Scale: How strategic partnerships are transforming the way public sector organizations deliver skilling

    In the era of AI, more than ever Government leaders are recognizing the importance of workforce skilling and are leveraging shared service agencies and strategic partnerships to implement continuous training programs at scale that foster a learning culture within their organization and ensures the workforce is AI ready.

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  • The Importance of Defining the Return on Investment for Skilling within Public Sector Organizations (Part 1) 

    The Importance of Defining the Return on Investment for Skilling within Public Sector Organizations (Part 1) 

    In the era of AI, the skilling of public servants has never been more important. However, unfortunately funding and resources allocated for skilling are often the first to be reduced when there is fiscal pressure. Read how conducting a robust ROI evaluation can help defend these budgets and improve program and employee performance.

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  • Best Practices to Help You Define the Return on Investment for Skilling within Public Sector Organizations (Part 2)

    Best Practices to Help You Define the Return on Investment for Skilling within Public Sector Organizations (Part 2) 

    Microsoft’s Public Sector Center for Digital Skills recently collaborated with the ROI Institute and used their methodology to conduct a comprehensive evaluation study to assess the return on investment (ROI) of one of Microsoft’s customer’s skilling programs. Learn about practices to consider when you conduct your own ROI evaluation of one of your public sector skilling programs. 

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  • Return on Investment Results (Part 3)

    Return on Investment Results (Part 3) 

    Discover the findings from a comprehensive evaluation study conducted by the ROI Institute on the Procurement for Practitioners Program, a 2-day training initiative designed specifically for procurement professionals in the public sector who are navigating the digital era. 

    Read part three
  • Moving from “Why AI” to “How to AI” — A Playbook for Governments Procuring AI and GenAI

    Moving from “Why AI” to “How to AI” — A Playbook for Governments Procuring AI and GenAI

    At Microsoft, we have been committed to helping customers with the “Why AI” conversation for some time. However, as we move from the theoretical assessment to the practical application of the technology at scale, we are mindful that we need to do more to help our customers with how to procure and deploy AI.

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  • Enabling governments to lead in the AI era: A guide for creating a national strategic framework

    Enabling governments to lead in the AI era: A guide for creating a national strategic framework

    It’s up to each country’s government to define the standards for how AI is used, not only by establishing laws and regulations, but by setting an example to follow. Government leaders can build their own national AI strategy to harness the unparalleled capabilities of AI to boost economic performance, streamline governance, and improve public services.

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  • Revolutionizing Public Sector Service Delivery with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service

    Revolutionizing Public Sector Service Delivery with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service

    Read this new Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines the projected financial benefits public sector organizations may realize by deploying Azure OpenAI Service.

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  • Build and Modernize AI Applications for Public Sector Services

    Build and Modernize AI Applications for Public Sector Services

    Public sector organizations have limited resources yet are always trying to deliver as much as possible for the public. Generative AI is becoming an increasingly important tool in helping public sector organizations in this effort as it can help increase productivity and improve service quality, specifically by building and modernizing applications that use AI capabilities.

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  • Get started with Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty

    Get started with Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty

    Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty is a solution designed to enable public sector organizations to deploy workloads in Microsoft Cloud while helping meet their specific sovereignty, compliance, security, and policy requirements. Take this course to gain a foundational understanding of Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty and its capabilities.

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  • The Value of Copilot for Microsoft 365 on Public Sector Organizations

    The Value of Copilot for Microsoft 365 on Public Sector Organizations

    Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an AI-powered workplace productivity tool that reduces repetitive tasks, automates processes, and accelerates creativity — all in a secure environment. Read this new commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft to understand the value of Copilot for Microsoft 365 for public sector organizations.

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  • Digital Skills Compass

    Digital Skills Compass

    Identify opportunities to learn and stay ahead in a changing world of technology and artificial intelligence -AI with a free skills-check. Get your personalized report:

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  • Enhance public sector services with generative AI

    Enhance public sector services with generative AI

    Take this new Microsoft Learn course and discover how AI can enhance productivity, improve cognition, and accelerate discovery in public sector organizations.

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  • Live Panel: A greener public service through tech

    Live panel recording: A greener public service through tech

    Watch the launch of Microsoft’s Public Sector Center of Expertise, featuring a live panel of experts who will discuss how public servants around the world are leveraging technology to create greener governments & societies.

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    Discover how emerging technologies support public sectors and address their goals around efficiency, effectiveness, and equity to provide better services for the public. This report explores education, social services, & law enforcement.

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  • Free online courses to help 25 million

    Free online courses to help 25 million

    Microsoft launched an initiative to help 25 million people get new digital skills for the COVID-19 economy. Leverage these free online courses, available to all, that allow governments to digitally upskill their employees.

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  • Microsoft Learn for Government

    Microsoft Learn for Government

    Empower government transformation with access to learning paths and modules. Through interactive training, develop practical skills and master new concepts at your speed and on your schedule.

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