Developing Public Sector markets together
Partnership approach pivot
Written by Antonio De Palmas, Vice President of Global Market Development in Microsoft’s Worldwide Public Sector team
At Microsoft we have a clear and consistent mission – “to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.” This mission has particular potency when we work with public sector organizations, given the critical nature of the sector, and the vast scale and complexity of coverage. We also recognize that in the context of government operations, the actual technology is just part of the overall conversation; policy and regulatory settings must be considered and shaped, so too must the societal objectives of what governments want their country to achieve over the next 30+ years be factored into technology decision making. There is an entire public sector market and ecosystem to consider. Helping governments achieve their country potential through technology is an ambition that Microsoft is committed to assisting with. We also recognize this takes a new approach to how we work with governments, and how governments work with Microsoft.
Microsoft’s Evolving Engagement
Our role in assisting governments to realize their ambitions is one that has evolved as Microsoft has shifted to delivering industry solutions and outcomes. This industry pivot has required us to take new approaches to ensure we are fit for purpose to serve governments and the global public sector ecosystem. We have become a partner to government, and in the spirit of all effective partnerships, we relish the collaborative ways we are now working with, supporting, and importantly learning from this important community.
Public Sector Market Ecosystem Approach
Two years ago, as part of this partnership pivot, we established the Global Market Development Team within Microsoft Worldwide Public Sector. The team is by design an incredibly diverse group, made up of former senior civil servants, technologists, regulatory and policy experts, development professionals, and technology consultants. A team diverse in experience and geographical spread; whose knowledge we activate as we engage with the public sector community to help empower it to maximize opportunities for cloud and digital transformation technologies, co-creating demand for technology that will benefit all market ecosystem players so that all participants; government, citizens, and the community benefit in a true “win-win-win” situation.
Whether it is Microsoft’s Regional Business Leaders representing Europe and the Middle East, Asia and the Americas, working to share best practices and lessons with government within and across regions; our Chief Technology Officer supporting government teams across the globe to better understand and use cloud based technology in a manner most appropriate for the public sector; our Public Policy team engaging in dialogue with the global public sector community, sharing what we learn and observe about the policy building blocks that best enable government to have their policy settings optimized for the age of digital transformation; or our Public Sector Center of Expertise, sharing and showcasing the best of all this work so that the entire public sector ecosystem can benefit from it; we have never worked more closely or collaboratively with the public sector on their digital journey.
Innovation through Collaboration
In the context of this public sector market ecosystem approach, we know that at Microsoft, we grow by being pushed to constantly hone and improve what we deliver, especially in the context of our public cloud offerings. Through conversations with government and IT decision makers, we are able to share our vision for robust and resilient public cloud solutions that are fit for the rigors of the public sector. In return, public sector organizations share with us the need they have for increased levels of security, flexibility, and resiliency as well as cost savings and improved levels of service their citizens demand.
As noted by Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitalization and AI for Spain, designing with public administrations in mind, works to “advance and accelerate the digitization of economies.” This collaborative approach to innovation, by the market ecosystem, for the market ecosystem, is about empowering our public sector customers to successfully apply lessons and learnings, ensuring governments achieve their true potential through technology. Each party, whether it is Microsoft as a technology company, a regulator who sets policy direction, or a government procurement executive who is charged with charting the course of adoption of cloud technologies, all have a role to play and perspective to provide, which is fundamental to the advancement and evolution of the public sector ecosystem. In the words of Dr. Vik Pant, former Chief Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, close collaboration leads to “win/win, mutually beneficial outcomes.”
At Microsoft, we are committed to providing our global insights, examples of success and lessons learned, advocating through dialogue for what is right for the public sector, so that we can help build understanding of what our technologies can offer as they continue to adapt and grow. And in turn, we learn from the public sector what is needed for the public sector to succeed. We build this into our technology, approaches, and offerings. It really is a virtuous cycle of innovation and improvement, which explains why developing a market together is essential for growth to benefit all.
To find out more:
Microsoft and Telefónica Tech’s strategic alliance
About the Center of Expertise
Microsoft’s Public Sector Center of Expertise brings together thought leadership and research relating to digital transformation in the public sector. The Center of Expertise highlights the efforts and success stories of public servants around the globe, while fostering a community of decision makers with a variety of resources from podcasts and webinars to white papers and new research. Join us as we discover and share the learnings and achievements of public sector communities.
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