Day in a life: Empower personnel and modernize facilities
Current members of the Microsoft Worldwide Defense and Intelligence Team discuss how digital transformation can help empower personnel and modernize facilities.
As they protect the nations they serve, military organizations must also support their personnel. Through digital transformation they can upgrade tools and facilities to meet the demands of a modern force. These approaches can help improve recruitment, retention and community engagement, as well as supporting mission outcomes.
In this episode of the Day in a Life Series, AT Ball, Jeffrey Pearson, Tim Tieng, and Dave McMahon—former military service members who are current members of the Microsoft Worldwide Defense and Intelligence Team—discuss empowering personnel and modernizing facilities through a retrospective view of their time in different branches of the US military.
From using Microsoft Cognitive Services for language translation with intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to using cloud and 5G technology to overcome infrastructure challenges when delivering aid to Haiti, speakers share real-life examples from their days in service and discuss ways to empower personnel using Microsoft tools and technology, digital transformation, and more.
To find out more:
- Learn more about how Microsoft can support digital transformation in Defense and Intelligence
- Day in a life: Optimizing decision advantage through digital transformation
- Day in a life: Transforming the capability lifecycle
About the Center of Expertise
Microsoft’s Public Sector Center of Expertise brings together thought leadership and research relating to digital transformation in the public sector. The Center of Expertise highlights the efforts and success stories of public servants around the globe, while fostering a community of decision makers with a variety of resources from podcasts and webinars to white papers and new research. Join us as we discover and share the learnings and achievements of public sector communities.
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